Top 10k strings from Ket Trilogy II - Temple of Vran (1984)(Incentive Software).z80
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3 en>0)+(7800 3 +((i-c1)*c2) 2 r()/c4)+c9 2 en=en-dam: 2 c4,c1;"You did not get enough lift 2 );" says"'" """;a$;"""": 2 '" Your "; 2 " What Rope?": 2 " Into what?": 2 south wall." 1 xx=c10+(k*c24): 1 x(8 <xT<DxD8@ 1 sc=sc+ex+(fla*c3)+(mdo*c3)+(sce*c3)+(sec*c6)+(ge*c2)+(del*c10)+(key*c3)+(rec*c5) 1 s$="Wart": 1 s$=" Edgar": 1 s$=" Alien": 1 rou=rou+c1: 1 r()/c3)-(ma=c1) 1 r()/c3)+c10 1 p$="You are DEAD": 1 p$="YOUR STATISTICS": 1 p$="YOU QUIT": 1 p$="YOU GOT HIM": 1 p$="UGH!": 1 p$="TIME TRAVEL": 1 p$="PUSH A KEY FOR A NEW GAME": 1 p$="MANY THANKS!": 1 p$="IT HITS": 1 p$="GOOD LUCK": 1 p$="DATE=": 1 p$="COMBAT": 1 p$="APHRODITE": 1 p$/c32))*c8+c6: 1 n$=p$(k+c1 1 man=c11-man: 1 lu=lu-c1+(mr=c1) 1 kit=kit-c1 1 k+c35,rec: 1 k+c32,del: 1 k+c29,sec: 1 k+c28,sce: 1 k+c27,fla: 1 k+c25,tap: 1 k+c24,mdo: 1 k+c23,pla: 1 k+c21,key: 1 k+c19,war: 1 k+c17,tu-256 1 k+c16,vin: 1 k+c14,tdo: 1 k+c13,mas: 1 dam=dam-(ma=c1): 1 c8;"the way you came!": 1 c8;"You stagger back"' 1 c8;"PROWESS "; 1 c8,c1;"The rope was not attached to anything at the top of the 1 c7,c1;"APHRODITE takes the jewellery and sends you to the next 1 c6,c3;"Him"; 1 c6,c18;me-i;" ": 1 c5;"And then he shoots you 1 c42,c22,66 1 c4,c8;"The Guard said"' 1 c4,c5;"The Android emits a 1 c4,c3;"You"; 1 c4,c3;"APHRODITE takes the second 1 c4,c2;"The mouse runs straight up 1 c4,c1;"You jump from the stepladder onto the trampoline and spring into the air but you hit the branches and fall into the pit.": 1 c4,c1;"The pool is now acid and you have dissolved!!!": 1 c4,c1;"The black shape came at you 1 c4,c1;"The Gem springs from the floor like it was alive and slams 1 c4,c1;"Before you lies a flight of 1 c4,c1;" You have managed to do this 1 c4,c18;en-i;" ": 1 c3,c1;"You begin the adventure with the following abilities:-" 1 c3,c1;"What a shame, and just when"'" you were doing so well."'" Wish me luck in getting back."''" This is EDGAR signing off!": 1 c3,c1;"She tells you that she is the 1 c3,c1;"APHRODITE says her JEWELLERY is in two different time zones so she will transport you to each one.You cannot return 1 c2;"PROWESS"; 1 c2;"LUCK"; 1 c2;"ENERGY"; 1 c25;lu;" " 1 c25,c15,c26,c16,c12,c13,c12,c28,c30,c19,c0,c39,c0,c0,c0,c38,52 1 c20,c1;"Which way? 1 c2,c7,c23,c20,c23,c21,c8,c12,c5,c10,c14,c47,255 1 c1;"You have no PREPARED weapon": 1 c18;me;" "; 1 c18;en;" "; 1 c18,c8,c8,c1,c4,c5,c20,c2,63 1 c16,c1;"Do you wish to try to escape?";: 1 c11;pr;" "; 1 c11;mpr;" "; 1 c1,c3,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c1,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c2,c0,c0,c0,c0,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0 1 c1,c1;p$'': 1 c1,c0;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ": 1 c0;"LUCK "; 1 c0;"ENERGY "; 1 c0;" is self explanatory." 1 c0;" is a measure of your swordsmanship." 1 c0;" is a measure of 1 a$="zZAP!": 1 a$="Y")+(c0 1 a$="WEE BOOM!": 1 a$="The fence is barbed!": 1 a$="Thanks! That's done it.Ah this is what was in the works! Here you are.": 1 a$="THE FINISH": 1 a$="TAPE 3": 1 a$="SPLURG!": 1 a$="SIZZLE!": 1 a$="SHRIEK!": 1 a$="Prepare to die SCUM": 1 a$="Pass friend.": 1 a$="Only the mistress is allowed to go up there.": 1 a$="LOADING #3": 1 a$="KAZAM!": 1 a$="FRY! BURN!": 1 a$="CRACKLE!": 1 a$="BUMP! YEARGH!": 1 a$="BANG!": 1 a$="AARRGH!": 1 a$="2300": 1 a$="1940": 1 a$=" I'm not hungry thanks": 1 a$=" Fantastic! TUNES really do 1 YOUR STATISTICS 1 TRAMPOLINE 1 STEPLADDER 1 ;"Then he shot you!": 1 ;"""Dirty Foreign Spy"""'' 1 ;" points." 1 8TD D8T<D8D 1 ,c8,c6,c3,c35,c8,c11,c4,c43,c1,c1,c5,c41,c9,c10,c6,c50,c7,c7,c7,55 1 ,c7,c7,c8,c15,c7,c9,c1,c24,c8,c5,c9 1 ,c37,c45,c29,53 1 ,c31,c24,c14,c29,c18 1 ,c30,c0,c0,62 1 ,c26,c10,c49 1 ,c24,c0,c0,c31,54 1 +(vb-c50)*c2 1 +(vb-c1)*c2 1 +(lc-c1)*6 1 +((z-c1)*c2): 1 +((lc-c1)*c6)+(no-c1)) 1 )+(tre*c3)+(pit*c5)+(cli*c5)+(doo*c3)+(ele*c3)+(war*c4)+(zo*c4)+(vin*c2)+(tap*c3) 1 (k+c17)+256 1 ((man-c1)*c4+64153 1 ((man-c1)*c4+64152 1 ((man-c1)*c4+64151 1 ((man-c1)*c4)+64150 1 '" Your CODEWORD is 'MIND THAT'" 1 '" You may call up your current condition by asking for a "; 1 '" You can't do that.": 1 '" What shall we do? ";: 1 '" What now? "; 1 '" What about ";n$: 1 '" Type:-"''" 'Y' To continue with this TAPE"''" 'N' To start TAPE 3.": 1 '" Type:-"''" 'Y' To continue from here"''" 'N' To start again.": 1 '" There is an Alien here gasping for breath!He points to his 1 '" The Kitten has gone to sleep." 1 '" Sorry,but I don't know how to do that.": 1 '" Round ";rou 1 '" Please use directions!": 1 '" O.K. Insert your data file 1 '" I don't know what you mean.": 1 '" Delphia rushes at you wielding her mighty Sceptre like an axe She knocks you back the way 1 '" Could you put that another way.": 1 '" Around us we can see:" 1 '" Also here is "; 1 '" A wart rushes from the room to the west." 1 '" A felled tree spans the river." 1 '" When you have done this she 1 '" She then kisses you once on 1 '" She says that she knows you desire to KILL DELPHIA as much as she does so she will help you. In return you must get 2 pieces of special jewellery for her.By the way, you have 1 '" He gives you a piece of 1 "an Elephant" 1 "an Android" 1 "a mad Monk" 1 "a Skeleton" 1 "a Security Guard" 1 "a Mechanic" 1 "You will die if you go that way.": 1 "You thrust past his guard!" 1 "You swipe at his head and hit!" 1 "You stab him" 1 "You hurt him badly!" 1 "You hit him" 1 "What Trapdoor?": 1 "We are to the south of a grove of trees,sweet music comes 1 "We are on the edge of a large wilderness area.To our west is 1 "We are on the east side of the lava.There is no way back so 1 "We are on a small hill.We can see a gorge in the east and the river far off in the west." 1 "We are on a path leading east. Nearby is a small pool of 1 "We are on a barren plain.There is scrub land all around us." 1 "We are in the middle of a very long,hard and black road that 1 "We are in the entrance area to a huge dome.Moving stairs go up and down from here.The air 1 "We are in the east end of the wood,some of the branches are torn off.There is a low dark 1 "We are in another open field, this one is also cratered." 1 "We are in an altar room.There is a statue of Vran Verusbel 1 "We are in a small store room. There is an entrance east." 1 "We are in a small cubby-hole. It is used by the Warts for 1 "We are in a low stone building It is dark and has very thick walls. There is a field west." 1 "We are in a high building with the smell of grease in the air" 1 "We are in a high building with a hole in its roof." 1 "We are in a guard room.It has an opening in its south wall" 1 "We are in a disorganised camp It looks almost deserted." 1 "We are in a deserted mess hall" 1 "We are in a Yellow room.It has entrances east and south." 1 "We are in a Green room.It has 1 "We are in Delphia's bedchamber It is richly decorated and 1 "We are half way down the gorge 1 "We are at the north end of a passage.There is a metal door 1 "We are at the base of a cliff. A rope goes up to the top.The gorge runs south and has a 1 "We are at a junction.Passages 1 "We are at a dead end. There is a trapdoor in the floor here." 1 "We are amongst some low rocks. The only way through is west." 1 "We are amongst some low hills. There are more to the east and 1 "This room has paintings on its 1 "This is a storeroom. There is 1 "This is a guardroom. There are many small bunks and alot of Warts on them looking evil!" 1 "There are some stairs going up and an entrance in the south." 1 "The river of lava cuts across in front of us at this point. We can see the huge doors sunk into the end of the gorge." 1 "Some Rope 1 "Some Peanuts 1 "He stumbles and you smash him!" 1 "He stabs you" 1 "He knocks you to the ground" 1 "He kicks you" 1 "He hits you" 1 "He dodges your guard & lunges" 1 "He bites you" 1 "FILENAME";f$: 1 "An awake & purring Kitten 1 "An Emerald 1 "A tape Recorder" 1 "A suit of magic Armour" 1 "A stone Slab" 1 "A small Trampoline" 1 "A small Mouse" 1 "A sleeping Kitten" 1 "A sheet of Parchment" 1 "A sharp Axe 1 "A pair of jet Boots 1 "A pair of Gloves" 1 "A monkey Wrench 1 "A magic luck Ring 1 "A magic Sword 1 "A magic Key 1 "A gnarled Club 1 "A coil of Vine 1 "A cassette Tape 1 "A breathing Mask 1 "A bit of horse Hair" 1 "A bamboo Cane 1 "A Stepladder" 1 "A Sceptre 1 "A Sapphire 1 "A Cane with vine attached" 1 "A Blaster 1 " Your weapon simply bounces off 1 " Your weapon passes harmlessly through his alien body!": 1 " Your sword skims off his bones!": 1 " Your current abilities are:-" 1 " You're already carrying it.": 1 " You would have a job doing 1 " You were lucky": 1 " You stop when Edgar bares his gleaming white fangs!": 1 " You still can't reach.": 1 " You manage to unstick the door and it opens.": 1 " You hear a roaring sound and up in the sky to the south is a black shape." 1 " You hear a grinding sound!": 1 " You have with you:-" 1 " You have too much with you!": 1 " You have no key!": 1 " You have no arrow!": 1 " You don't really want to walk over the cliff edge do you?": 1 " You don't really want to step into the lava do you?": 1 " You can't just walk through a pit of quicksand!": 1 " You can't go that way!": 1 " You can't get at the branches": 1 " You can do that until you go blue in the face if you like!": 1 " You are unable to do anything!": 1 " You are ignored!": 1 " With the rope tied to his leg." 1 " Which way?": 1 " When an Elephant eats, he takes an age.": 1 " What with?": 1 " What tree?": 1 " What to?": 1 " What door!": 1 " What Stepladder?": 1 " What Pool?": 1 " What Android?": 1 " We can't go in that direction!": 1 " We are on the bank of a wide river with trees all around.To 1 " We are in the west end of a small wood.The sun is shining 1 " We are in the northern room." 1 " We are in the Temple waiting room. There is a slot in the south wall and an entrance 1 " We are in front of two huge 1 " We are in an open field.The 1 " We are in an abandoned field 1 " We are in a small connection passage going north/south,it has a small hole 13' up on 1 " We are in a sleep room.There 1 " We are in a sleep room.It is full of Aliens all hooked up 1 " We are in a passage, a vast 1 " We are in a large room with 1 " We are in a field.It has not been tended for a long time." 1 " We are in a circle of trees 1 " We are in a Wart Kitchen,no 1 " We are in a Red room.It has entrances south and west and a flight of stairs going down." 1 " We are in a Blue room.It has 1 " We are at the top of a cliff Below us is a gorge with 2 big doors sunk into its south end. Hanging over the cliff edge 1 " We are at the south end of a 1 " We are at the east end of the road.To our south is a hanger" 1 " We are at the bottom of the stairs.Passages lead east/west" 1 " We are at a T-junction.There 1 " Warts are allergic to felines.": 1 " This room has scorched walls There is a hole in the rooms 1 " This room has entrances in 1 " They lift you an inch from 1 " They are well insulated.": 1 " There is nothing to tie it to!": 1 " There is no key-hole.": 1 " There is an opening in the 1 " There is a door to our south 1 " There is a diagram of a line of monks passing through two huge doors.": 1 " There are many smashed metal barrels lying around us.To our south is a long black road." 1 " The";s$(c3 1 " The trapdoor is shut!": 1 " The river bars your way.": 1 " The hole is too high to reach.": 1 " The flames bar your way!": 1 " The doors are shut!": 1 " The door is shut!": 1 " The door bars your way.": 1 " The clue could be disguised.": 1 " The Wart throws a flask of 1 " The Wart jumps from his bed 1 " The Slab covers the hole." 1 " The Skeleton animates and 1 " The Sceptre glows red hot as you touch it and you get burnt": 1 " The Sceptre fits!!! A secret door opens from nothing.": 1 " The Kitten snarls and he runs back to where he came from.": 1 " The Kitten looks more alert." 1 " The Kitten indicates that a 1 " The Key fits!! The two huge 1 " The Elephant will not let you!": 1 " The Elephant starts to eat 1 " The Elephant moves away when you try to touch it.": 1 " The Elephant follows you!": 1 " The Blaster is empty!": 1 " The Aliens begin to wake so 1 " That's daft!": 1 " That isn't a hand to hand 1 " That is ";sc;"% so far." 1 " Sorry! I don't know what you mean by """;n$;"""": 1 " Something will not fit!": 1 " So far in this adventure you have scored ";sc*10 1 " She is standing facing you 1 " She charms you with her beauty and you find yourself unable to do anything!" 1 " Prepare what?": 1 " Please be more specific!": 1 " Pardon!": 1 " O.K. You're on it.": 1 " O.K. You use the Cane as an 1 " O.K. You swing across!": 1 " O.K. You jump down.": 1 " O.K. You jump down from the 1 " O.K. You enter the pool." 1 " O.K. The slab fits just right and the flames are stopped.": 1 " O.K. The rope is attached to the Elephants leg.": 1 " O.K. The doors swing open!": 1 " O.K. The door bolt is blown 1 " O.K. The Cane with Vine tied to it flies over the pit and drops the other side. The vine hangs from the branches.": 1 " O.K. The Android is blown to small bits.": 1 " O.K. Prepare to save in two 1 " O.K. It plays a jolly little TUNE!": 1 " O.K. It lands on the other side": 1 " O.K. But you could go on like this until Christmas!": 1 " O.K. But it doesn't help!": 1 " O.K. But it does it no harm": 1 " O.K. But it begins to shut!": 1 " It's too heavy!": 1 " It's not deep enough!": 1 " It's done already!": 1 " It's already open!": 1 " It won't open, it's stuck.": 1 " It will not open.": 1 " It will not fit!": 1 " It opens and the Stepladder 1 " It may only have a few shots left!!": 1 " It looks like a moustache" 1 " It is too hot to handle!": 1 " It is of four pure colours!": 1 " It is nothing special!": 1 " It is locked.": 1 " It is ignored!": 1 " It is by AIR SUPPLY!": 1 " It is attached to something at the base of the cliff.": 1 " It hits but your Magic Armour takes all the punishment and is destroyed!": 1 " It equalises all of your 1 " I wouldn't it's full of blood- sucking Leeches": 1 " I don't see one?": 1 " I don't see one.": 1 " I don't see it.": 1 " I don't see it!": 1 " I can't help you. Sorry!": 1 " How can you drop something 1 " He looks at you and leaps to attack.": 1 " He is straining on something!" 1 " He hits! Will you dodge? ";: 1 " He attacks you instantly.": 1 " Flames spurt from the hole and spread across the room." 1 " Eating some peanuts" 1 " Don't leave useful things lying about as you will not be able to get them if you go back to your own time.": 1 " Climb what?": 1 " Chop! Chop! The tree falls and now lies across the river.": 1 " Choke! Gasp! The air is bad!" 1 " But you don't have it!": 1 " But it isn't here.": 1 " Bad luck,you failed to dodge!" 1 " As you turn to run you are hit again.": 1 " Are you talking to yourself?": 1 " And a secret door opens in the south wall!" 1 " A vine hangs from the branches." 1 " A high fence bars the way": 1 " We are outside the passage. To the east we can hear water." 1 " We are on rough terrain.All 1 " We are near the end of the gorge,the lava is not so wide 1 " We are at the west end of 1 " To our east is a range of 1 " The landscape around us is 1 " Prowess "; 1 " Nothing.": 1 " Luck "; 1 " Energy "; 1 " tells you that to kill 1 " We are on sacred ground." 1 " We are in the armoury." 1 " We are in an even smaller 1 " We are in a cloakroom." 1 " Delphia" 1 " Aphrodite" 1 " There is a large pit of 1 your physical condition."''" Your "; 1 you don't cross the room!": 1 you came.": 1 you a Magic Key to let you 1 years by the look of it. 1 with small birds in them. 1 with his inbuilt blaster!!": 1 with a Sceptre in her hand!": 1 will release you from your 1 weapon!": 1 we must go on.To our south 1 way out of the room.": 1 washing-up has been done for 1 walls and a flight of 1 very fast and dropped large 1 until you have the jewellery from that zone." 1 to the west." 1 to strange machines." 1 to our north." 1 tin of GO-CAT is more his scene": 1 through the branches." 1 the west is the passage." 1 the road,there are many 1 the north and west walls." 1 the lips, your senses swim 1 the ground!" 1 the east wall" 1 that you don't have?": 1 that here.": 1 store room." 1 stone doors embedded into the end of the gorge.There is a small key-hole at waist height" 1 stepladder onto the trampoline and spring across the lava.": 1 stairs leading down into the Temple Dungeons. Surely this is where you can find and 1 stairs going up." 1 spot!!!": 1 south of us." 1 smelly pink liquid." 1 smells of perfume." 1 shuffles over to block your 1 shape to our south." 1 river of lava running down it" 1 quicksand with overhanging 1 private things!!" 1 piece of jewellery." 1 part of the adventure."'': 1 of her own." 1 no choice in the matter." 1 next to the opening in the 1 mouth and grunts something!" 1 molten lava.": 1 location": 1 lead down,east & north." 1 large craters in it." 1 isn't anybody here though." 1 is the pit." 1 is good enough to breathe." 1 is a rope." 1 into your body!": 1 into Delphia's Temple and" 1 in the east." 1 in the east wall." 1 his thick plasma armour": 1 hills,we are on open ground." 1 help you breathe more easily! 1 hear voices in the west." 1 group of hills.To our south 1 ground is hard but there are 1 going down also." 1 goes east/west.South of us 1 from within.To our south 1 from the trampoline and landed smack in the middle of the pit of quicksand.": 1 from the trampoline and landed smack in the middle of the 1 from the east." 1 finishing for a long time.": 1 falls through.": 1 exploding eggs that hurt you 1 ever before. Then she gives 1 entrances north and west." 1 entrances north and east." 1 entrances all around.We can 1 embedded into the hillside." 1 doors grind apart.": 1 defeat Vran Verusbel!" 1 craters in it." 1 cliff and so you have fallen!": 1 centre and an entrance 1 branches to our north." 1 boulder blocks the way west but light comes from the east." 1 bond and reward you." 1 bare,apart from the odd rock growths to our east & west.The sound of machinery comes 1 at this point." 1 around us are hills." 1 are tracks leading south. Rooms are both north and south" 1 are the two huge doors." 1 are some larger hills." 1 are some buildings." 1 are all about us." 1 apart and the door swings open.": 1 and you feel STRONGER than 1 and we can see more fields 1 and doesn't look like 1 and attacks you!": 1 and PRESS PLAY!": 1 acid at you." 1 abilities and then begins to look acidic so you get out!" 1 a trapdoor in its ceiling." 1 a great deal.": 1 a fast flowing river." 1 You have saved us all!": 1 YOUR OWN TIME PERIOD.": 1 There is a flight of stairs 1 The lava is still to our 1 South of us are some hills 1 Scepter of power.": 1 Prowess Energy Luck" 1 PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT. 1 Goddess of Love and that a woman called DELPHIA has dared to compare her beauty to that 1 Delphia's skirt!!"'" She drops the Scepter in her fright and drops dead on the 1 Delphia you must get her 1 Beep! Boop! Beep! sound": 1 Beautifully arranged flowers 1 APHRODITES jewellery."''" YOU THEN GET WARPED BACK TO